We’ll point the finger at the friend who encouraged a third glass of wine with dinner, or the bartender who was too generous with his vodka-to-soda ratio. Whatever (whoever?) the reason may be for getting a little too cocktail-happy during a night on the town, we’ve accepted that it just happens sometimes. Bring on the unattractive consequences. Ideally, we’d spend a day post-party in the most cliché way possible: in bed with a big bag of greasy fast food and Netflix. Unfortunately, our schedules are too packed with brunches, errands, and of course, work, to allow ourselves a day of lounging around—especially during the week.
Instead, we need act like the grown-ups we are, wipe that hungover gaze from our faces and carry on with our commitments. But how do you fake being in prime condition while battling blotchy skin, glossy eyes and an overall look of near-death dehydration? We’re highlighting five products to add to your beauty regimen that’ll help keep your night of partying between you and your friends (and maybe your Instagram followers).
Browse the gallery below to learn the 5 best makeup tricks to hide a hangover.